2025-2026 REPORT FORMS
Paper form has been delayed at the printers. As soon as they are available we will send them out. You can complete your CPR through
Consolidated Post Reports (CPR) are available on or by clicking the button above. If your post is submitting a paper copy, it must be sent to department headquarters by June 1, 2025.
Annual Post Data Report
These report forms will be sent out to the post adjutants via USPS
In order to improve the processing and accuracy of the Post Data Reports, we ask that you review the following reminders:
Do not create/submit your own reporting forms; please only use the PDR forms provided by National. Improper or invalid forms will be returned.
If there aren’t any changes to the form write “NO CHANGES” on the TOP of the form. Marking them “NO CHANGES” will allow us to simply attach them to the Post record with no review.
Only enter data in fields that are changing – for example, if the Dues remittance address changing but the dues are remaining the same, ONLY enter the new address – don’t enter the dues rate if it’s not changing.
Make sure the Post information is correct and not written over or covered up.
Please verify any dues Effective Dates other than July 1.
Mail the forms to: The American Legion Department of Colorado 7465 East 1st Ave. Denver, CO. 80230.The deadline at Department for the processing to be completed prior to printing the first 2026 renewal notice is April 9th. Please submit the form as soon as possible.
These report forms will be sent out to the post adjutants via USPS
In order to improve the processing and accuracy of the Post Data Reports, we ask that you review the following reminders:
Do not create/submit your own reporting forms; please only use the PDR forms provided by National. Improper or invalid forms will be returned.
If there aren’t any changes to the form write “NO CHANGES” on the TOP of the form. Marking them “NO CHANGES” will allow us to simply attach them to the Post record with no review.
Only enter data in fields that are changing – for example, if the Dues remittance address changing but the dues are remaining the same, ONLY enter the new address – don’t enter the dues rate if it’s not changing.
Make sure the Post information is correct and not written over or covered up.
Please verify any dues Effective Dates other than July 1.
Mail the forms to: The American Legion Department of Colorado 7465 East 1st Ave. Denver, CO. 80230.The deadline at Department for the processing to be completed prior to printing the first 2026 renewal notice is April 9th. Please submit the form as soon as possible.
Annual Squadron Data Report
These report forms will be sent out to the post adjutants via USPS
In order to improve the processing and accuracy of the Squadron Data Reports, we ask that you review the following reminders:
Do not create/submit your own reporting forms; please only use the SDR forms provided by National. Improper or invalid forms will be returned.
If there aren’t any changes to the form write “NO CHANGES” on the TOP of the form. Marking them “NO CHANGES” will allow us to simply attach them to the Squadron record with no review.
Only enter data in fields that are changing – for example, if the Dues remittance address changing but the dues are remaining the same, ONLY enter the new address – don’t enter the dues rate if it’s not changing.
Make sure the Squadron information is correct and not written over or covered up.
Please verify any dues Effective Dates other than July 1.
Mail the forms to: The American Legion Department of Colorado 7465 East 1st Ave. Denver, CO. 80230.The deadline at Department for the processing to be completed prior to printing the first 2026 renewal notice is April 9th. Please submit the form as soon as possible.
These report forms will be sent out to the post adjutants via USPS
In order to improve the processing and accuracy of the Squadron Data Reports, we ask that you review the following reminders:
Do not create/submit your own reporting forms; please only use the SDR forms provided by National. Improper or invalid forms will be returned.
If there aren’t any changes to the form write “NO CHANGES” on the TOP of the form. Marking them “NO CHANGES” will allow us to simply attach them to the Squadron record with no review.
Only enter data in fields that are changing – for example, if the Dues remittance address changing but the dues are remaining the same, ONLY enter the new address – don’t enter the dues rate if it’s not changing.
Make sure the Squadron information is correct and not written over or covered up.
Please verify any dues Effective Dates other than July 1.
Mail the forms to: The American Legion Department of Colorado 7465 East 1st Ave. Denver, CO. 80230.The deadline at Department for the processing to be completed prior to printing the first 2026 renewal notice is April 9th. Please submit the form as soon as possible.
Annual Post Officer report are due to department Headquarters by June 1, 2025
Annual Post District report are due to department Headquarters by June 1, 2025